Friday, February 5, 2010

So Cocky....

I was sitting here trying to think of a weekend play list in honor of Casey's big 30, but Casey is not really into music and the only song I could think of was a Kid Rock song- something about being cocky....

As you both know we are having a party this weekend in honor of Casey and our parties are always so sophisticated and under control (Curtis is not invited this time). So, I have created a drinking game:

If Casey accuses you of ‘perpetrating’ take a drink

If Casey says ‘that’s money’ take a drink

If Casey says ‘nicely done’ take a drink

If Casey says ‘well played’ take a drink

Take a drink if Casey uses the wrong word or a common expression in the wrong context. (For example, if he asks you if you have saved up a goose egg instead of a nest egg)

If someone makes fun of Casey for being bald take two drinks

If Casey says ‘touché’ make him take a drink

If Casey makes up his own words to a song everybody drink a margarita

If Casey makes up his own words to a song that uses the words ‘nicely done’ and ‘that’s money’ DO NOT drink, he is fucking with you

If Shana mentions how much she misses Boomer pour a shot into his dog bowl

Take a long, slow drink every time Allison long blinks

If Allison / Jocelyn fall asleep (pass out) prior to midnight do three shots

If any one asks Chris F. to do any sort of math, make them do a shot

If Chris R. wants to argue any political point, shots for everybody, then continue with caution

If Jocelyn calls anyone a douche-canoe, we all drink because that is so funny!

If Shana mentions any sort of microphone or singing contest, please remove all drinks from her reach and everyone go to bed

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