Friday, February 19, 2010

Pet Peeves Make Horrible Pets

Dear Curtis Stone,

I’m sure you are perfect and never do anything annoying. But just in case, I thought I’d let you know some of my personal pet peeves; certain actions, sayings etc that really chap my hide. I figure that on the off chance that any of these apply to you, you can just stop doing them and I may hate you a little less.

1. People who pronounce the word “probably” like “probly”, or even worse…”prolly”. Seriously? Hey chick who just said “I’m really craving Italian food so I’m prolly gonna go eat at the Olive Garden”; I’m willing to bet that your mouth is capable of handling all kinds of things, try a three-syllable word once in a while.

2. Along the same lines as the pet peeve listed above is the very common mispronunciation of the word “supposedly”. Does everyone notice the sexy little “d” between the “e” and the “l”? You do? Good. Then under no circumstances should it ever, ever be pronounced “supposably”.

3. To the twenty-year old who just called me ma’am: Looking like Zac Ephron does not give you a free pass to call me names. I’m not a cougar, I don’t want to take you home and make you my boy-toy; you look like an embryo to me. In fact, I’m convinced that whatever you’re doing with your hair is just going to look like a cheap toupee in about 5 years. (I’m also speaking to you Justin Bieber.)

-I’m starting to get highly agitated just thinking about all of this, so let’s wrap this up with one of my all-time faves.

4. To all of you out there (skateboarders and snowboarders excluded, they all have a firm grasp on this concept), to do a complete 180 means to do the opposite of what you are currently doing. It can be a major life change or the simple act of turning around (see: about-face). If misused though, and the phrase “do a complete 360” is instead spoken; then spin around in a circle until you fall over because I have no use for you.

Namaste my dear,


Friday, February 5, 2010

So Cocky....

I was sitting here trying to think of a weekend play list in honor of Casey's big 30, but Casey is not really into music and the only song I could think of was a Kid Rock song- something about being cocky....

As you both know we are having a party this weekend in honor of Casey and our parties are always so sophisticated and under control (Curtis is not invited this time). So, I have created a drinking game:

If Casey accuses you of ‘perpetrating’ take a drink

If Casey says ‘that’s money’ take a drink

If Casey says ‘nicely done’ take a drink

If Casey says ‘well played’ take a drink

Take a drink if Casey uses the wrong word or a common expression in the wrong context. (For example, if he asks you if you have saved up a goose egg instead of a nest egg)

If someone makes fun of Casey for being bald take two drinks

If Casey says ‘touché’ make him take a drink

If Casey makes up his own words to a song everybody drink a margarita

If Casey makes up his own words to a song that uses the words ‘nicely done’ and ‘that’s money’ DO NOT drink, he is fucking with you

If Shana mentions how much she misses Boomer pour a shot into his dog bowl

Take a long, slow drink every time Allison long blinks

If Allison / Jocelyn fall asleep (pass out) prior to midnight do three shots

If any one asks Chris F. to do any sort of math, make them do a shot

If Chris R. wants to argue any political point, shots for everybody, then continue with caution

If Jocelyn calls anyone a douche-canoe, we all drink because that is so funny!

If Shana mentions any sort of microphone or singing contest, please remove all drinks from her reach and everyone go to bed

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Curtis Stone,

You are quite the entrepreneur my dear. I am loving your latest venture, which is sure to be the hit of Valentine’s Day 2010. And the commercial! Words cannot do it justice, so let’s watch it shall we?

Thoughtful men around the world will be lining up to buy this useful gift for the special ladies in their lives. And women from Texas to Sydney will rejoice together! They will proclaim, “At last! The strong arms I’ve been dreaming of!” Needless to say, there are going to be a lot of very confused looking men come February 14th.

Valentine’s Day is so, so special.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wow. Just wow.

Dear Curtis Stone,

Why do you insist on tormenting me? All I wanted to do was buy my son a toy, a little something to brighten his day, put a smile on his sweet face. So I take a look down the toy isle of my friendly neighborhood CVS, and what do I see? I'll tell you what, a crazy prehistoric menage-a-trois, that's what. Really Curtis? Really? Now I’m no paleontologist, but this little display of dino behavior seems odd to me. First of all, I thought that the T-Rex was the most dangerous and feared dinosaur of all. Who would have guessed that he had a soft side? Apparently even tough guys need to feel “taken care of” once in a while. And luckily for Mr. Rex, Big Daddy Triceratops is more than happy to oblige. But a child’s toy Curtis? I’m not prepared to give my son “the talk” just yet, thank you very much. And when I do, you can bet the words Jurassic, carnivore, and herbivore will never come up. That’s just not how I choose to raise my baby. And if you have a problem with it, come to League City and face us like the super-duper Australian chef that you are…I dare you.

Love in the time of dinosaurs,